Bounding box for location is incorrect

welcome to the forum.

many users often mistake the locations provided by Google for the places that are stored within iNat itself. in this case, i’m fairly certain your bounding box is coming from Google. i suggest reading this thread (or another one of i’m sure many, many others) to get more information on the difference:

if you want a proper representation of your property, you have 2 choices. if you plan to create a project in iNat at some point or if you want to make it possible to get notifications for your place, it’s probably best to create a new place in iNaturalist.

otherwise, if you want make sure the Google bounding box is properly depicted, you can contact Google using a link in the thread i noted above. (also, sometimes Google sources locations from OpenStreetMaps. i didn’t check, but if that’s the case here, you could also just try to correct the location defined in OSM before contacting Google. that might speed up the process for correcting the Google place.)