Butterfly phenology

Hi everyone,
I’d like to share an article I’ve just published in French on my personal diary :
I’m attempting an English translation, and publishing it here allows me to add images to the article.
Please let me know what you think!

:egg::bug::butterfly: Butterfly phenology

Phenology is the study of the cycles and seasonal changes of species.
For butterflies (and moth), this corresponds to the cycle egg => caterpillar (=larva) => chrysalis (=pupa) => butterfly (=adult or imago).
Thanks to the volume of the iNaturalist dataset, phenological graphs are becoming increasingly precise and informative.

Take the example of the Giant Peacock Moth (go to the Chart and select the ‘Stage’ value).

The Chart can even be filtered by geographical area (country, region, department), in order to obtain the precise phenology in a study area. To do this, use the ‘filter by location’ button at the top of the page (“filtrer par lieu” in my french screenshot).

But these graphs could be even more precise (particularly for local phenologies), as many butterfly observations have no stage information.

I myself often forget to enter this information, so I’ve set up a link [*] to find all my observations of lepidoptera without stage.

If you want to adapt it to your observations, simply replace myuser with your ID in the link below:

Or if you want to do this for observations in your region (all observers), here is the link for all observations of butterflies in Normandy that do not have a stage entered:
It’s up to you to adapt by changing the region once the link is open.

Long live crowdsourcing :grinning:

[*] for English speakers, these pages will help you understand everything about the construction of URLs for iNaturalist search pages:


How cool! shows how important annotations can be!

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