There are a fair number of harebell photos from Canada posted here; iNaturalist only allows Campanula rotundifolia, which has been changed. C. rotundifolia for North America is now C. alaskana; rotundifolia being now reserved for European species.Check: Canadensys Vascans:
What does it take for iNaturalist to offer C. alaskana in the drop-down suggestions?
Added to database
@cmcheatle - that was fast! Thanks!! How would I add a default photo? And how would previous incorrect IDs be changed?
No pictures yet for that species, probably you should ask curators to move american observations of rutundifolia to the new taxon.
Photos can be added from observations, Flickr or Wikimedia Commons, by any user.
I’m not comfortable implementing the change due to conflicting information on ranges. POWO says alaskana is restricted to the Pacific Coast, Vascan which only covers Canada of course shows it going into the prairies, yet there are rotundifolia records across all of North America, and I’m not clear what all of them may be.
Well, at least I’m happy that our species in the Canadian west here have C. alaskana as a choice. There have been enormous taxonomic changes made, not just to species but to entire families as well, including losing some of them :-( We do our best to be as correct as possible re scientific names. Odd that POWO differs from Vascan - maybe not quite up to date? I’ll query Vascan.
I’m sure the taxonomic experts who make these changes here will be able to figure out how to apply this change correctly when the time comes. (I assume it may be waiting on documentation of species differences and acceptance of changes?)
It appears that it would not be correct to move all North American C. rotundifolia observations to C. alaskana, as the renaming of another former C. rotundifolia subspecies to G. gieseckeana/giesekiana also has to be accommodated (if not others, possibly).
Based on Flora of North America, it appears that only C. alaskana (the former C. rotundifolia var. alaskana) occurs in Alberta (probably the area of concern for the original poster) but it is more complicated than that for North America as a whole, and the Flora of NA Campanula entry isn’t currently viewable, suggesting that further revisions are likely underway at that reference.
Разница в таксономии может быть обусловлена разными взглядами на эту самую таксономию. Не забываем, что все системы классификации искусственны по умолчанию.
Further, right now, the POWO site entries for Campanula seem to be unable to assign a name to the former C. rotundifolia occurring through central North America. It only shows the distribution of C. alaskana as coastal (as compared to the Flora of North America range which shows it broadly distributed through the west and central areas) and also only shows C. giesekiana occurring from Ontario and eastward and in the eastern arctic in North America. So, POWO appears to not be up to date either, given the unexplained gap between what it shows as these two distributions that were formerly lumped as the North American range of C. rotundifolia.
EDIT: Well, looking further, it’s not quite a gap… POWO currently shows 3 supposed isolated, little islands of “C. rotundifolia” comprising the states of Colorado, Illinois and New York, which is kind of amusing! The entry is clearly a work in progress at POWO too.
Not that odd. POWO lags behind recent published floras in many taxonomic groups. There are a lot of plants in the world and only a few people who maintain the POWO taxonomy.
I just revamped a large group of North American lupines this summer. Entries just have to be added to the taxonomic framework to show the divergence from POWO.
Just a note to all: issues about specific iNat taxonomy should be handled by flagging the appropriate taxon for curation in iNaturalist, and discussing through comments on the flag, instead of in the Forum.
Since the issue here has been resolved for now, I am closing this topic. If further discussion is needed, feel free to open a flag on whichever taxon is the focus. Thanks.