Can a user tag an observation of another user as being of a cultivated plant?

can a user tag an observation of another user as being of a cultivated plant?

Hi, welcome to the forums!

Yes, a user can. Or an animal as not being wild. Yes. There is no value judgment ascribed to it, although the thumbs down/up would imply otherwise, I know.

We all assess each other’s Observations. If you disagree with someone’s assessment on the DQA of a particular Observation, toggle the opposite vote.

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Yes, you can. It does not generate a notification to the user though, so I like to add a comment when I do this to let them know in case they want to argue otherwise. Often I will just ask “Planted?” and mark it such. If the user comes back and replies that no, it wasn’t planted, I get a notification and can change it back. Some plants are escapees and would count as wild (naturalized) even though they may look like common garden plants.


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