tried reading some of the discussions on captive/cultivated vs wild but didn’t find a clear guideline how to handle cases like these:
Example 1 : I find a larva (say of a beetle) in the wild and take it home to determine what species it is by rearing it to imago.
I document the larva as found originally. I see no beef here in calling it wild.
Now I shoot photos of the next larval stage, maybe the pupa and the resulting beetle.
These are “captive” now, strictly speaking.
a) Do I add the photos to the old observation to document the development?
b) Do I make separate observations for every next photo shoot, marking these with a new date and tagging theses as Captive/Cultivated?
If (a) how do I notify users/system that some images are of a different stage/date?
If (b) how do I link the whole series of “observations”? And why would the results not merit a “Research grade” due to the “Captive” denominator. If anything, photos of not yet before documented life stages to me would seem especially interesting to researchers (?!?)
After successfully rearing the beetle I go and release it in the wild where I originally found the larva. The next day I go back and guess what - it is still there. Now what is it? Wild? Captive/Cultivated? Escaped? …
Example 2 : Basically the same but with subtle difference. I find a flower head with larvae in it. Instead of taking it home, I apply a rearing bag/cage around the flower head to prevent predators getting to it and to keep the resulting critters in to document these later. I go back on a regular basis to document progress and shoot new images.
So now I didn’t displace the “wild” larvae (not taken home) but arguably they are “captive” even if they’ll never realize it. So do I tag these as “Captive”?!?
And how do I go about documenting the development (same questions as above).
To me it seems a bit silly to have these rearing projects with originally wild animals that are temporarily “captive” for documenting purposes disqualified for scientific usage by tagging them as “Captive”.
What is the common practice for this on iNat?
Thanks for any pointers/help