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After a lengthy discussion involving procedures for uploading development stages of an organism reared in captivity for the purpose of documenting those stages, I feel that one or two things on the “Browse photos” page of a species should be considered a bug.
Here is the issue:
I upload various images of development stages of a rare species. As discussed I tag these as “Captive”. This results in the unique series of images/observations never ever being shown or used otherwise. It seems that’s all “by design”. Not my design choice, but fine, let’s take that for granted.
In order for the images to get any usage at all (as in site visitors being able to see them), I’m advised to use the “Curation: Edit photos” dialogue on the main species page and push my work forward into the “chosen” images for this species.
Now the images are presented in the set on the main page and maybe also the observation can be found, not sure, let’s stick to the images. My image of eggs is showing bottom right, just left of the “View more” link:
Next I go to the “View more” (/browse_photos) page. At the top, there is a number of selectors for Life Stage, Sex, Quality Grade etc. - all set to “Any” by default.
But when I click “Life Stage” it doesn’t let me select eggs. Seems there would be no images of eggs in the system. But there are. After all, they’re showing on the main page.
To be clear: The Life Stage is set on the observations. Initially the selector only showed “Adult”, not even “Nymph” like it does now, but that was due to the nymphs of the other observations not having the Life Stage set properly. I fixed that meantime.
So, Bug 1 : The selector for Life Stage is not offering eggs, even if these are available.
Bug 2 is the obvious other issue:
The selector for “Quality grade” is set to “Any”, suggesting all available images, no matter what, would be showing. They aren’t - none of my “Captive” development series are showing.
I could understand if you would have this default to something that would exclude “Captive” images from showing, but if it is set to “Any” it is my perception that any available images of the species are being displayed. This is not the case.
Thank you for looking into this and above all respect for building this system the way it works in the first place - AWESOME job!
Cheers, Arp