Change how id's work when there are disagreements

i don’t think that’s what tchakamaura is actually suggesting.

that “funneling” algorithm you’ve referenced erases maverick IDs


  1. Red-winged Blackbird
  2. Savannah Sparrow
  3. New World Sparrow
  4. New World Sparrow
  5. Post Oak

based on that algorithm, the community ID would end up as New World Sparrow based on 3 out of 3 New World Sparrows because it would erase Post Oak and then Red-winged Blackbird.

that’s different than the existing algorithm, where the community Id would end up as Birds based on 4 Birds out of 5.

i think you’re actually imaging a different algorithm where the community ID is calculated exactly as it is now, but then if there are descendant IDs of the community ID, you want those IDs to potentially refine the observation ID (as long as any disagreements are maverick).

so using the example above, both the observation ID and the community ID would be Birds. note that there would be no funneling here to force observation ID to Savannah Sparrow.

but if:

  1. Red-winged Blackbird
  2. Savannah Sparrow
  3. New World Sparrow
  4. New World Sparrow
  5. Passerculus

… then i assume your algorithm (based on your descriptions) would make a community ID of New World Sparrow based on 4 New World Sparrow out of 5, with a refined observation ID of Savannah Sparrow.

and if:

  1. Savannah Sparrow
  2. Birds (ancestor disagreement)
  3. New World Sparrow
  4. New World Sparrow
  5. Passerculus

… then I assume you would want community ID to be New World Sparrow based on 4 New World Sparrow out of 5, and then have observation ID refined down to Savannah Sparrow.

is that how you’re proposing your algorithm to work?