I’m new to iNat, and when identifying, I keep coming across a particular type of situation with disagreeing IDs. I’ve tried reading about this in the forums, but get conflicting results (not just on best practice, but on how the underlying mechanism works).
(Edited to clarify by higher I meant broader)
- Person A will suggest a species in tribe A
- Person B will disagree with them and suggest a species in tribe B
So currently both the observation’s community taxon and observation taxon are currently at the broadest level those two IDs agree on: Family 1
Now, I can’t identify this plant to species, but I can identify it to genus or tribe, and I agree with person B.
But should I add an identification that is broader than the ‘Species B’ identification (e.g. ‘Tribe B’)? I’ve seen some people say a broader ID shouldn’t be added (because it downgrades the observation or requires more IDs at species level to reach research grade), some people say I should add it, and some people say I can add it but it doesn’t do anything useful.
As I understand it:
If I add an ID of Tribe B, it won’t change anything yet—2/3rds are needed to change the community taxon, so another ID would be needed to move this observation finer than Family 1. And the observation taxon stays at Family 1 as well.
Instead, this is what adding my ID of Tribe B would do:
Without my ID, if another ID is added at species level, the observation’s community and observation taxon will stay at Family 1.
With my ID, the community taxon observation will change to Tribe B and the observation taxon will change to species B (since the community is in agreement on Tribe B and the observation taxon doesn’t need agreement on the finest level to switch to it). And by changing the observation taxon (which search results work on), hopefully it will be more likely to show up in the search results of people who can add those last two required species IDs.
Can anyone confirm or correct my understanding? Any thoughts on if I should I add that broader taxon identification? And does that answer change depending on the taxon level I can ID it to, the type of taxon (e.g. different types of plants or across kingdoms), how long it’s been since the last ID was added, or how active the previous two identifiers are?
Also, I keep seeing discussion of how ‘disagreeing IDs’ complicate this. However, I can’t find the relevant buttons mentioned (in either the web version or android app). From what I’ve experienced, disagreement or not seems to be an automatic function. After submission, if it’s in a different taxon than the current community ID, then text is automatically added below my ID saying what it’s disagreeing with, but if it’s in the same taxon or a higher-level taxon of the same taxon, then no disagreement text is displayed. Am I just missing something here?
And can anyone clarify if the disagreement text or agreement absence of text is added based on the community taxon or the observation taxon?