Change of license for a single photo

You can change the license for a single photo on the website after you upload the observation, I don’t know if you can change it before.

To change the license for a single photo:

  1. Head to the observation that has the photo whose license you want to change

  2. Select the image that you want to change the license on, if it is not already selected by being the first image of the observation.

  3. Once you have the correct image selected, click on the circle with an i inside of it to open the page for the image

  4. Once the page for the image is open, find “Attribution” which is at the top of the column of information to the right of the image. Click on where it says “Edit License” next to the attribution.

It should open up a menu that looks something like this:

You can click on the license you want (“No license (All rights reserved)” is at the bottom of the menu. When you have picked the license you want click the blue “Set License” button on the bottom of the screen and it should set the license for that photo only