Changing geoprivacy for all observations in one location

Hi; I entered a bunch of moth observations from my boss’ moth light at his private residence, so I naturally selected “private”, not realizing that observers would see absolutely NOTHING about the location of my observation! I’ve been painstakingly changing every observation to “obscured”, but there must be an easier way to do this! I see a similar topic posted in 2019, but it won’t let me read it - can anyone help? Thanks!

I think you can change the location under “edit observations” and then batch edit. I don’t know if you can put in obscured, but you can make a big enough accuracy circle.

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Using iNaturalist’s website:

  1. Visit
  2. Click ‘Search’, to expose a list of search parameters
  3. Geoprivacy: select ‘Open’ or ‘Private’ according to need
  4. Place: enter the name if known, or corner locations (‘SW Lat.’ etc.) around it
  5. If needed, adjust other options to fine tune your search, and click Search button
  6. If the observations returned by the search look ok, click the ‘Batch Edit’ button
  7. Click the ‘Select All’ link
  8. Click the ‘Edit Selected’ button, to go to the next step
  9. Click ‘Batch Operations’
  10. Click ‘More fields’
  11. Select the ‘Geoprivacy’ you need, e.g. ‘Obscured’
  12. Click the ‘Apply Geoprivacy’ button
  13. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click ‘Save All’ button to really apply the changes.

Thanks, everyone! Was able to change the location from my boss’ house to the community we live in, which is close enough for iNat purposes!