Thank you very much for getting it back up!
What you mention about the scoring is what I expected it to be. What I was trying to get at was that I would much rather there wasn’t a step change between different values (i.e. I only see a red or green distinction currently) and would much prefer to see the values themselves so I can decide myself at what point the distinction should apply.
Also, if I check the box to “Enable color-blind mode” it doesn’t do anything at all. I.e. the red-green colours disappear, but no alternative colours appear to replace them, so it’s the same result as having the extension disabled. Since there are a range of different kinds of colour vision variations among people, I think it would be better to simply label different options with the different colour scales they respectively use. This is another reason I’d much rather have an option to just display the underlying value itself. Colour scales are generally problematic for accessibility.
P.S. What does it mean if I get a suggestion appearing without any colour on it at all as follows: ?