CID at genus after a non-explicit genus ID

I would have expected it to ask me if I wanted to explicitly disagree with the CID at species level (which I did not want to do), but it took my genus level ID and moved CID to genus.

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actually… and even weirder… user has opted out of CID, so why did it affect CID at all!

Click “About” to see a more quantitative explanation of how the Community Taxon is being chosen:

In this case, nothing has a > 2/3 majority, so iNat is walking up the tree to find the finest ancestor taxon that does. In this case, that’s genus Badumna.

“Opting-out” of the CID doesn’t mean the community taxon doesn’t get recorded. It means the observation is always associated with the taxon the observer chose. In this case, silversea_starsong’s ID is Badumna longinqua, and that’s the taxon the observation is associated with (name at the top, shows up in searches for this taxon, etc), even though the community’s opinion is more coarse than that.

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Ah, thanks! The first two IDs differed, so didn’t count as 2/3!

This is a previously reported bug—or weirdly designed feature—regarding disagreeing IDs/opted out IDs though (see email title “explicit disagreement and problematic opt-out IDs”).

As Mark said, when the observer has opted out of community ID, and I add a higher level ID, it does not give me the pop-up message asking if I would like to explicitly disagree with the previous ID.

Thanks Cassi!

I think I was baffled by the excellent explanation (of how CID was reached). It was the fact that I was not prompted for explicit disagreement that I raised this bug report! When not opted out, a progression of suborder-species-genus would have prompted for explicit disagreement for the genus. To explain further, suborder gives CID suborder, suborder-species gives CID species (but not yet RG), suborder-species-genus should prompt!

To demonstrate the EXPECTED behaviour:
Two IDs so far, family-species
I try and add a genus level ID (Graphania) and it prompts for explicit disagreement to Graphania lignana. Note, this is correct ID in this situation, I am only putting the genus level to illustrate the behaviour expected in the opt-out above.

actually, that confuses me even more! The CID (in the CID panel) shows as family, but the ID at the top of the page, which I thought was CID (or observers ID if opted-out), shows species. Regardless, one prompts for explicit, whereas the other does not! It’s almost as if the observers opted-out ID is not considered when deciding to prompt for explicit.

In the first case:
From @kueda:

when the observer has opted out of the CID, you are disagreeing with the CID, not the obs taxon

In the first example:
ID1: Araneomorphae (suborder)
ID2: Badumna longinqua (species, and a descendant of Araneomorphae), observer’s ID
Observation Taxon: Badumna longinqua (species)
Community Taxon (CID): Araneomorphae (suborder)
Your ID, ID3: Badumna (genus)

Your ID is not a disagreement with the Community Taxon, which is why you didn’t get the pop-up asking if you disagree with the Community Taxon.