Computer vision clean-up (archive)

Great to hear that the model is being updated soon!

I think the issues with problem taxa highlighted on this thread aren’t necessarily just the result of suggestion inaccuracy by the model though. I think they are also dependent on the current UI design.

For example, on complex taxa, the “pretty sure” of model suggestion might be 100% correct and places the observation at genus level (where it belongs without a more detailed image)… but nevertheless, the observer opts to take the top species level ID instead, as they know no better.
e.g. Like on this observation.

This is also coupled with the issue mentioned here.
The problem taxa tend to be high up on the list of species-level suggestions when the model isn’t “pretty sure” of anything whatsoever. Ideally, if its not pretty sure of anything, the UI should present this as a red flag (or autosuggest a very coarse ID) not make things worse by still suggesting something wildly specific.

Perhaps small alterations in the design of the UI around the autosuggest might go further towards fixing many of the taxa on this thread than the development of the model itself.