Computer Vision functionality no longer working

Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website

App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About):

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Chrome (latest version)

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:

Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

This started yesterday. When I uploaded a photo and set the location, the search results did not include any pictures. Just names. Now, today, it is a blank page.

Image from browser console attached below with error being generated.


It only happened to me using API V2. API V1 works fine.

Details from the browser console this morning, API V2:


1: Error: Internal Server Error


columnNumber: 4105


fileName: β€œ”


lineNumber: 8


message: β€œInternal Server Error”


response: Response { type: β€œcors”, url: β€œ!t%2Ctaxon%3A(ancestor_ids%3A!t%2Cdefault_photo%3A(square_url%3A!t)%2Ciconic_taxon_id%3A!t%2Ciconic_taxon_name%3A!t%2Cis_active%3A!t%2Cmatched_term%3A!t%2Cname%3A!t%2Cpreferred_common_name%3A!t%2Crank%3A!t%2Crank_level%3A!t)%2Cvision_score%3A!t)”, redirected: false, … }


body: ReadableStream { locked: false }


bodyUsed: false


headers: Headers { β€œcontent-length” β†’ β€œ362”, β€œcontent-type” β†’ β€œapplication/json; charset=utf-8” }


ok: false


redirected: false


status: 500


statusText: β€œInternal Server Error”


type: β€œcors”


url: β€œ!t%2Ctaxon%3A(ancestor_ids%3A!t%2Cdefault_photo%3A(square_url%3A!t)%2Ciconic_taxon_id%3A!t%2Ciconic_taxon_name%3A!t%2Cis_active%3A!t%2Cmatched_term%3A!t%2Cname%3A!t%2Cpreferred_common_name%3A!t%2Crank%3A!t%2Crank_level%3A!t)%2Cvision_score%3A!t)”


: ResponsePrototype { clone: clone(), arrayBuffer: arrayBuffer(), blob: blob(), … }


stack: β€œvalue@\n”


: Error.prototype { stack: β€œβ€, … }


constructor: function Error()


message: β€œβ€


name: β€œError”


stack: β€œβ€


toString: function toString()


<get stack()>: function stack()


<set stack()>: function stack()


: Object { … }


length: 2


: Array


at: function at()


concat: function concat()


constructor: function Array()


copyWithin: function copyWithin()


entries: function entries()


every: function every()


fill: function fill()


filter: function filter()


find: function find()


findIndex: function findIndex()


findLast: function findLast()


findLastIndex: function findLastIndex()


flat: function flat()


flatMap: function flatMap()


forEach: function forEach()


includes: function includes()


indexOf: function indexOf()


join: function join()


keys: function keys()


lastIndexOf: function lastIndexOf()


length: 0


map: function map()


pop: function pop()


push: function push()


reduce: function reduce()


reduceRight: function reduceRight()


length: 1


name: β€œreduceRight”


: function ()


reverse: function reverse()


shift: function shift()


slice: function slice()


some: function some()


sort: function sort()


splice: function splice()


toLocaleString: function toLocaleString()


toReversed: function toReversed()


toSorted: function toSorted()


toSpliced: function toSpliced()


toString: function toString()


unique: function unique()


unshift: function unshift()


values: function values()


with: function with()


Symbol(Symbol.iterator): function values()


Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): Object { at: true, copyWithin: true, entries: true, … }


: Object { … }


buildList failed: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: WindowsJumpLists.sys.mjs:281:15

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Doesn’t work for me on Chrome or Firefox. I get a blank screen after hitting β€œClassify” in both browsers.

Apologies for that - looks like a recent deploy introduced some bugs. Hopefully they are fixed now. Could folks try again and report any errors that are still occurring? Thanks

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Working for me now!


Working now. Thanks! Excellent support!!!