Any idea how soon we’ll be able to make changes?
BTW: the image needs updating, the mole is still proclaiming it’ll be lifted by 10th May 2020!
Any idea how soon we’ll be able to make changes?
BTW: the image needs updating, the mole is still proclaiming it’ll be lifted by 10th May 2020!
Yes, I’m still unable to do anything.
I’ve lost track of all the observations of the insect taxa I’ve identified over the past couple of weeks where either I’ve been able to id to species or the observer did and we could not add the new species to iNat. It seems a majority of what I’ve seen are in South America and Southeast Asia. It’s unfortunate iNat won’t let their observations count as species for the CNC.
Curators were able to manually add new species through the entire freeze, there was nothing technically blocking you from doing so.
Yeah I think additions were find but no modification
Really? I have not been able to. When searching for a new taxon the options to search external providers or manually create a new taxon are gone. has been available through the whole content freeze (dont bother clicking on the link if you are not a curator, you will not be able to open the page)
Thanks, I am a curator. Unfortunate I did not have the link own its own before. The whole taxon freeze seems very misguided.
The link takes me to the redirects me to
You’re not a curator. As I noted, anyone not a curator can not open that page.
Yes, but before it took me to a “only curators can view this page” on the explore page on iNaturalist and now it is taking me to a forum error?
The servers for the site struggle to stay standing as it is during the CNC. Turning off other server intensive functionality that will only further put at risk the stability of the servers that is not time sensitive seems a reasonable approach.
The existence of the curator specific manual page to add new taxa is fully documented in the curator guide
Opening links from the site and from the Forum are very different.
Yes, having it on the guide versus having it accessible in areas it is of use makes a big difference
There is a general assumption curators are familiar with the contents of the curator guide. After all reading it is a prerequisite of being granted the status of curator.
There’s also a big blue Create New Taxa button at the bottom of your home page if you are a curator that takes you right to the page.
I was referring to the bug Myles was getting when they tried to open the link, I think you may have misunderstood.
Yes, I am familiar with the curator guide, but I have not memorized every link within it, especially when those links are typically provided in more useful places.
Thanks for letting me know about that button. I do not use the home page much except as a landing page, as I mostly id things and it is very inefficient for that.
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