Delete observations that don't get support?

I feel you, I have observations from years ago that are still waiting on IDs - I think the taxa I have the hardest time getting IDs for, is fungi. Due to health reasons, my ability to go out in the field and collect observations of my own is limited, and sporadic, so I have been trying to ID every day.
Sometimes I latch onto a new person who I see is struggling with IDs, and I will go through their observations and ID as many as I can, so they won’t be discouraged and possibly give up. I will also take interest in a more established iNat’r and go through their observations to see if I can help ID some of the older ones. I know I appreciate when someone hits on some of my older submissions. :)
But unless your photo is low quality, and potentially impossible to identify, I would leave them be - someone will eventually come along and give it an ID. :)


And even then…unless it is almost completely unrecognizable as anything (eg. just a blur of color), you can leave it up. There’s nothing wrong with having an observation stay at a higher taxon, and you’d be surprised what iNatters can pull from even low quality photos.


This is so true - I know that on occasion, I can spot certain local species even if the pic is lousy! I wish someone would be able to do that with some of my less than stellar photographs…lolz

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On a side note - and tell me if I need to start a new post for this - I have noticed a member who has no observations themselves, ID another member’s observations - exclusively. They have not ID’d anyone else but this one member. Maybe it’s a teacher trying to prod a student along, or someone with a crush…lolz. I don’t really see anything wrong, per se it just seems odd. :)

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Could be some home schooling?


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