Did something change with the AI?

here’s a code comparison:

note the section highlighted on the left (/score_observations). i think what this means is that since the photo is now hosted at https://inaturalist-open-data.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/[xxx] instead of https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/[xxx], the computer vision is using the low-quality and croppoed “square” version of the photo for computer vision IDs on the observation page instead of the higher quality and uncropped “medium” version of the photo.

so the issue is actually related to the move of the photos from one host to another host, i think. (if that’s right, then computer vision code just needs to be updated to account for the new host location for the images.)

just to make sure, i downloaded the “square” version of my mallard observation and started an upload with it. the computer vision suggestions from the upload page are now similar to the suggestions from the observation page for my mallard observation: