Lately I’ve noticed while uploading a number of old photos through the web site, the suggestions are truly terrible and always the same seven or eight. Human and American Dog Tick come up a lot. This is through the web site upload. E.g. here’s a rather obvious Western Bluebird. The initial suggestion was “Birds” which is accurate but then swapped to the list shown in the screenshot.
I wouldn’t bother reporting it except that this happens on almost every photograph lately. This feels like a bug and not the pretty kind we take pictures of.
i don’t see any particular problems with computer vision suggestions right now either in the upload page or on the observation page. are you still consistently getting unusual suggestions? if so, try opening up the developer tools in your browser to see if any errors are popping up in the console.
Yey iNat - AI is getting sentient :) and trying to be funny. How wonderful would that be, seeing all this life on a daily basis the “quantum jump” was easier to make.
To answer an earlier question, the browser console doesn’t show any errors when I’m selecting a species.
I was curious if there might be something off about my older photographs so I tried this Double-crested Cormorant from last year. Same weird suggestions.
It seems to work on a different Mac, also with Firefox 78.0.2 and mostly the same extensions/preferences. I wonder if something could be screwy with my user session?
on the problematic machine, do you see similar problems on the computer vision suggestions outside of the upload page – for example, if you go to an observation detail page and click to begin an ID?
load an image to the observation (drag an image file to the observation “card”)
click the taxon button to initiate the computer vision suggestions
in the network window, find the two POST and the one OPTION requests. right click on each and save all as HAR.
send those to to see if they can make anything out of that. (don’t share the contents of the file with anyone else because it will contain authorization keys and other information that someone could use to access your iNat account, among other things.)
if you see errors, too, in the console, make sure you capture those, and send those, too.
i don’t really know why you would be encountering problems only on that screen. i can only guess that maybe iNaturalist is sending you a cached version of the computer vision results that isn’t relevant to your particular observation. if you have access to a VPN, you could try doing your upload through the VPN, and see if that changes the results that you see. (or if you’re already using a VPN, try it without the VPN, and see if that changes things.)