Difference in map location and Locality notes

Hi there,when posting a new observation I found that there is a difference between the map location and the locality notes:
I entered the Tom Thorn/Beth Williams Wildlife Habitat Management Area in Wyoming(on Hwy34, MW of Cheyenne WY) in “Search for a location” and the program found the correct location, BUT the locality notes entered: “Tom Thorn/Beth Williams Wildlife Habitat Management Area, 414625 Louisiana 2, Haynesville, LA 71038, USA” and that is in Louisianna!
Can you please correct that
Thank you Peter Jessen

I think that might be an issue with Google. You can always suggest changes in Google, and you can edit the locality notes if they aren’t accurate.

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Locality notes are yours to edit. I always check that it says what I want it to - not Google’s (wrong) default text.

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yes. see:

here’s how you can suggest a correction to a Google place:

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This one should have been the solution. I have plenty of observations for which I replaced the default text with my own locality description. This was discussed in a previous thread; the link goes to the specific post in that thread where I explain this: How iNat Determines location name - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

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Thanks for the update,
Meanwhile I checked all my observation and corrected them if Google had it wrong

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