Does anyone else do this? Protecting/Checking camera when falling

So the solution for things getting munted is to become munted!


Hey, if ya canā€™t beat em, join em :D


@karen5lund Welcome to the forum! Glad you are here. :-)

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Yup! Not with fermented berries for me, but probably doing this.

Or, swimming around in the rapids trying for the slight chance that I can find the paper and drying it out, thinking ā€œhurry up sun, get it dry, I need to sketch all the fish and plants I just saw. can you believe I saw a 14 inch perch! oh hurry up! oh, look there is a lizard. ughhh! still damp.ā€ And then realizing you forgot the pencils.


my phone is my main camera, so I do get pretty concerned about itā€¦

In a city itā€™s easy enough to get home safely without it, but out in the wilderness/field not having a functional phone (=call police/ambulance if I need, =gps/navigator, =reference material, =and more) is a big problem.

For better and for worse, I do a lot of urban exploration. Iā€™m really interested in the urban ecosystem and in weedy species so it suits me. In those cases Iā€™m more concerned about keeping myself uninjured. Let the phone get run over!


My camera was a birthday present that my girlfriend & two brothers pitched in for. If anything happened to it, there would be no way I could repair it or get a new one. itā€™s the most expensive thing i own.

So yeah, i am terrified whenever anything could have happened to it.


Thanks @bug_girl! I am finally using the iNaturalist account I created in December, learning as I go and enjoying it greatly.


I also do the dancing. I once did this after walking for hours to get a look at European Bee Eaters. When I finally saw them, I was so excited that the first pictures were all blurry. But once I had gotten good pictures, I started to dance. A great victory dance in the vineyards. I still do that when watching and getting good pictures of something I consider really great.


It makes life fun.

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Does it look like this at around 3:11? for those that want to go straight to it!

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It sure did and doesā€¦ :laughing:
Silently cheering, though, to not scare the birds.

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Oh Yeah! But sometimes it works out for the best. I was standing on a logging landing that was littered willy-nilly with logs when the ground under me gave way and I went falling with my heavy Nikon in hand. Of course I held the camera up to save it, landing solidly on my thigh/hip where I got a mighty bruise, but it was made to take such a blow. The camera was OK, and better than that I didnā€™t break my wrist trying to catch my fall, which is a common mishap. The bruise was OK and I finished my hike. Allā€™s well that ends well.


yeah, Iā€™m a pro at fun ruining through hyper vigilance, awareness, sharing of facts and overthinking! Sorry :)


I hold my camera up in the air as a reflex which keeps it from actually hitting the ground. Saved it 2 times.


That is wonderful!!

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I think that Iā€™m just lucky because my camera/equipment should break but it doesnā€™t. Until I dropped my iPod into the Little Kanawha River( in West Virginia).


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