Download annotations summaries for species

I do a lot of work with iNat data accessed through the rinat package for R. I know how to download data with specific annotations (i.e., flowers) via the rinat. I would love to be able to see the total number of annotated observation per species. I am specifically interested in obs with either the “flower” or “no evidence of flowers” annotations and would like to see which plant species contain enough of those annotations to permit further analysis. Is there anyway to access this data?

the last time i checked, rinat hits the deprecated API, which i don’t think provides an efficient way to get the information you’re looking for. (i could be wrong though.)

you don’t really need to do this in R. you can get a summary of this in even the Explore page. For example, based on, “Flowers” is term_id=12&term_value_id=13 and “No Flowers or Fruits” is term_id=12&term_value_id=21. so then a summary by species of observations for either would be:,21&view=species

if you wanted to download this data for some reason, you could get data from the the current API via,21 (though you would need to write something to page through the results appropriately), or you could use a page i made to make that data a little more human-friendly and includes a CSV export option:,21.


Thanks for your response! Ya i know the package is pretty outdates (and super slow). I’ll give the API a shot and the page you made seems fairly prefect. Essentially, if i wanted to do a big analysis for a bunch of species, one of the first steps would be to figure out the extent to which different species have annotated observations that i can use. The page you made is pretty much exactly what im looking for i think!

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