How to be able to download ‘other species commonly misidentified as certain given species’ in the browser? I would like to collect this information from all plant species.
why would you want to do this? it would probably be impractical for a regular user to get this data for all plants, but you could certainly do it for a selected number of plants. see for some past discussion about one use case that involved getting that sort of data.
There is a group called pre-maverick which identifies the most mistaken IDs on the website. I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you’re looking for, but just looking through the plant observations sorted into that group will give you a lot of info about which plants get misIDed the most. Only stipulation being that it’s just going to be the mistakes people know about
Pre-Maverick project is for 2 against 1, where The One may be right. Disagreement rather than mis-ID.
Similar Species tab might be more what @georgianamanolache wants?
Do you know how iNaturalist generates this list?
The Pre-Mavericks?
That is a personal project, not from iNat.
You can read the About and the journal posts from @jeanphilippeb
not Pre-Mavericks, the tab of -naturalist Similar Species; is there official info on how this list is generated in the iNat website? (e.g. see
Nothing in iNat’s Help - that I can find.
But there is lots in the Forum