For fire prevention, an entire area has been cleared in our neighborhood (El Cerrito) and we can now see many Woodrat nests exposed. I counted 14 of them. Some have been stepped on and some seem to have been built by upcycling old human made branch piles (is it possible?), which makes them harder to identify formally.
How can I know if they are still inhabited ?
Any guidelines for future mowing in the area ? Would it help to require to keep x feet of vegetation around the nest ?
Anyone experienced in this species who could help us with those questions?
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Not exactly an answer to your question, but related: My wife and I lived in El Cerrito when we got engaged. Our apartment backed up on to the Hillside Natural Area. That place had so many woodrats I couldn’t believe it. One time, when my wife walked out our back door a woodrat jumped off our outdoor light, onto her head, then to her shoulder, and then to the ground. She has forgiven woodrats.
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