Exporting only species shown in the explore tab

It’s about 400 species in the explore tab but the export tab gives me all observations, not just the ones shown. When it’s filtered, it’s still over 8000. How do I export only the observations shown in the species tab?

In Explore, are you filtering on dates? When I filter on dates in Explore, the dates filter is dropped from the Download (Export) query. I manually add it to the Download query to get the same filter as in Explore.

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https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/export is showing me multiple observations for a single species. When exploring observations in https://www.inaturalist.org/observations and I switch to the species tab, I only see a species listed once. I would like that data.

The links you provided aren’t specific to your search. The export shows a default page with no query. The observations shows all iNat observations.
Someone may be able to give you generic advice based on the info you provided.
For someone to give you advice specific to your search, they’d need your observation search URL. From there they can go to the Export.

The export tool currently only allows exports of observations, not of species lists (though that has been requested).

If you want the species list, I would recommend either https://kildor.name/inat/species or https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNatAPIv1_observations_species_counts.html


Thank you. This is what I needed.