Extinct bird species you'd want to bring back

Given the choice, which North American bird species would you want to bring back if you could? You can only pick one.
Thanks! Interested to hear what everyone’s favorite is. I predict it will be IBWO, closely followed by PAPI, maybe with CAPA or GRAU coming in third place.[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=2 public=true chartType=bar]

  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker
  • Carolina Parakeet
  • Labrador Duck
  • Eskimo Curlew
  • Passenger Pigeon
  • Great Auk
  • Slender-billed Curlew
  • Heath Hen (subspecies)
  • Dusky Seaside Sparrow (subspecies)
    EDIT: I put the poll in the comment below because this would not cooperate.

I think you have some issues with the pole.

Yes I’m having trouble…do you know how to fix it? @discobot

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:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@tiwane sorry, can you help with this?

Hello @discobot!

Given the choice, which North American bird species would you want to bring back if you could? You can only pick one.

  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker
  • Great Auk
  • Eskimo Curlew
  • Carolina Parakeet
  • Passenger Pigeon
  • Bachman’s Warbler
  • Heath Hen (subspecies)
  • Dusky Seaside Sparrow (subspecies)

0 voters

Thanks! Interested to hear what everyone’s favorite is. I predict it will be IBWO, closely followed by PAPI, maybe with CAPA or GRAU coming in third place.

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Got it set up in a comment, for some reason that worked much better.

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Hmmm maybe if you try editing the post again it’ll work.

My favorite option isn’t listed: Titanis walleri


Well, I already dropped my vote.

Sorry–never heard of that one, and this is for semi-recently extinct bird species in North America–ones we know a lot about and maybe even have photos of.

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I voted for the Bachman’s warbler.

Don’t go after me, but I still have quite a bit of hope for the IBWO, so I am going for PAPI and Heath Hen

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:tada: Team Bachman, Team Bachman!!! :tada:

Toss-up between the auk and parakeet. The ivory-billed woodpecker, passenger pigeon, and Eskimo curlew don’t have enough habitat left and would just go extinct again or be zoo curiosities. And the sparrow and warbler are just kind of boring tbh, there’s too many of them already.


(no pun intended)


Carolina Parakeet is though to not vote for as it would be the only native member of its family in the Country.

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