Prevent - no…mitigate - yes!
Finding and cleaning might be easy in some countries and some genera, but for others this is arduous work getting bigger by the day. I would say a large percentage - maybe 50-75%? of IDs in UK Diptera right now are simply pulling an unwarranted species level ID back to genus or family. Repetitive actions like this don’t feel like particularly fulfilling work. They just feel symptomatic of larger systemic issues that could be addressed.
If offered a coarser ID, some might just google “blue dragonfly” instead but I think the majority of new users I see appear to just choose the elephant path. They are presented with a list of options …so they choose the top one, or the closest one visually. If you present them only with coarser, genus or family level options, they would opt for that. Realistically - many new users won’t even know the difference between family, genus and species. They are just delighted to put a name to a face, regardless of taxonomic rank.
It also creates a vicious cycle.
The worse the dataset is on GBIF, the less respect it has in the community outside of iNaturalist.
The less experts join to fix the set, the worse the set becomes…
That said! I’m optimistic the AI could potentially reflect back on itself in the future to detect, flag or reassign outliers in its own data…