Hi! Thanks for everyone’s time in reading this! For 1.5 years, I’ve had a steady influx of varied birds enjoying water at my birdbath. I could look out at multiple points in the day and see 3-5 different species of birds enjoying it. But going on about six, maybe eight months now, I’ve seen very few, if any. I can still see them in my grove in general, so I know they’re not gone gone. But I’m baffled! Happy to provide more details, but I was wondering if more expert people than myself had any ideas. Thank you again!
Is there a new cat or dog in the neighborhood?
I don’t know where you are, but I see few birds at the feeder during mating through fledging. There could also be predators that have moved in.
Nope, good catch, though! Thanks!
Sorry, I thought I made my geographical area visible - it’s Carpinteria, CA. Interesting about predators…I feel like I’ve seen/heard the same amount of owls and hawks around here as usual. (…those are the predators you’re referring to, right?) Also, I guess I need to do more research because I’m unaware of how long fledging…season? lasts? Because this has dipped into 6-8 months territory, that’s what made me wonder if it was something more chronic? If this helps people, I still hear the same amount of birdsong outside that I’ve always heard - so that’s encouraging. Just fewer of them at the actual birdbath…thanks!
It it’s any help, here in india I’ve noticed that birds completely stop visiting my bird pools too . They are still around, but don’t visit. However, the birds come back during the summer, before disappearing again in the winter. Idk why, probably something to do with the climate. I’m still studying why. If my idea is right, they should come back after a few months.
I don’t suppose there’s been more rain and therefore more readily-available sources of water around?
Have you tried scrubbing out the birdbath, then refilling it?
thank you, that is a big help!
nope - we’ve had an extra dry winter, actually. but thanks!
good question - it gets scrubbed clean and water is replenished every other week.