The following is quoted from the beginning of an article, New glowing molecule, invented by AI, would have taken 500 million years to evolve in nature, scientists say:
An artificial intelligence model has created a new protein that researchers say would have taken 500 million years to evolve in nature — if nature were capable of producing such a thing.
As the article notes later on, the protein, named esmGFP, only exists as computer code at this time. An interesting and complex question is whether esmGFP actually could ever have evolved in nature. The article states that it is similar to those found in jellyfish and corals, and that it is:
… only 58% similar to the closest known fluorescent protein, which is a human-modified version of a protein found in bubble-tip sea anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor).
It also notes that esmGFP:
… would require a total of 96 different genetic mutations to evolve.
As we know, mutation and natural selection are both essential components of the process of evolution. For such a protein to actually evolve in nature, not only would the mutations need to occur, but it would also require that each state of the protein’s evolution along the way would need to survive natural selection sufficiently to lead to the next state. This would all need to occur in the context of actual organisms, ecological communities, and existing physical environments. Therefore it seems that any model that could provide a reasonable answer to the question of whether such a protein could actually evolve would need to be quite sophisticated, and therefore perhaps not possible, in practice.
The above complex issues are each elucidated by the article to some degree, but not in great depth.
Another interesting issue to consider is that AI could design many other such complex synthetic biological substances that have never evolved, and whether there is the possibility that some, if actually created and exposed to living environments, could be taken up by living organisms, and become destructively invasive.
So, would anyone like to offer any interesting thoughts about any of the above?