That’s no proof at all. It only means that life, or the conditions necessary for life, are not super abundant. It’s a logical fallacy to assume that rules out life in other places than Earth. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Even within our own solar system, we can’t rule out life outside of Earth. It’s now pretty clear that early Mars had conditions that terrestrial life could have survived in. We still don’t know enough to say that life never inhabited Mars. Jupiter’s moon Europa is strongly suspected of having an ocean of liquid water under a layer of surface ice. Again, there seem to be conditions that terrestrial life could thrive in.
So in our one little solar system alone, there are/were at least three independent places life could exist. And, that’s just the kind of we find on Earth. It’s hard to imagine what conditions non-terrestrial life might be able to inhabit.
Out of the three places we’ve found so far that life could exist, we know one of them has life for sure, and don’t know yet whether life was/is in the other two. While we can’t really extrapolate from such a small sample, it’s far from telling us that life elsewhere doesn’t exist. In fact, the hints are completely the opposite.
Look at the probabilities. So far we have found about 5,000 exoplanets. None of them seem much like Earth, but it has shown us that planets are everywhere. So far our search methods have favored finding those planets that are large and close to their star, so that’s what we’ve predominantly found. The abundance of planets suggests that rocky Earth-size planets the right distance from their star to have liquid water must certainly be out there.
Even if an Earth-like planet only happens in 1 out of 10,000 star systems, that would mean there are 10M Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone. That’s a lot of possibilities for life to evolve. The numbers are literally astronomical. However, even with these numbers, you wouldn’t expect to find an Earth by looking at 5,000 planets that are mostly large and near their star. We simply don’t have enough data to rule anything out.
Another way to look at the probabilities is by considering habitable conditions. There are at least three in our star system. Let’s say there is one on average in every 10 star systems, that’s still 10G worlds with habitable places in our galaxy. And that’s just for the kind of life we know about.
Habitable places are clearly out there, even abundant. The real question is how likely the initial “spark” is that starts life. We only know of one instance where that happened, but even that shows us that’s it’s probably not so unusual. Earth is about 4.5G years old, and it seems life started only 1G year in, shortly after the planet was no longer a glob of molten rock getting regularly bombarded by more rocks and large snowballs. Since life happened quickly once conditions allowed it, it suggests that it’s not so unlikely.
So in summary, at this point we can only say we don’t know whether extra-terrestrial life exists. But, the data we do have certainly doesn’t rule it out, and even suggests that there should be “many” instances in our own galaxy. Then consider that there are about 100G other galaxies out there.