Gathering observations to share with non-iNat folks

I’m hoping to get folks in my small mountain community interested in the diversity of native organisms we live with. I’ve made a few hundred iNat observations in the area and would like to gather them in a format that non-iNat folks can access easily.

I experimented with creating a place, then added a project and guide based on that place. But the project and guide seem to omit some of the observations, even though they fall within the boundaries of the place.

Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to gather these observations and share them without having to handle each one individually?

I’ll welcome any help. Thank you!

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This is likely caused by this:


Yes, as noted at the link Tony provided, for taxa that are set to auto-obscure because of their conservation status, this is a known issue. I’m guessing that is what is happening for you. It is done intentionally so that small places (smaller than the obscuration rectangle) can’t be used to suss out the location of a rare taxon. If they are your own observations, you won’t see the obscuration that the rest of the world (and the place boundary) sees.

One potential work-around is to manually add the missing taxa to the place checklist, then point people directly at the checklist, but that is admittedly not as friendly a format for non-iNatters. I haven’t ever worked with guides, so don’t know if/how they interact with checklists, but maybe that is an avenue to explore.


Thank you, @tiwane & @jdmore! Huge help–problem solved.


If you are willing to share, I be curious to know what your final product looks like and how you got there. Sounds like something I might want to try for an area of interest to me, and others here might also.


Just as an FYI, Guides are fully manually populated with species, you have to add the ones you want, manually, one at a time. There is no automation of species getting loaded.


I’d be glad to do that, @jdmore. I’ll post a link when it’s in good enough shape to share.


There’s an option to populate a guide with taxa from a place that’s entered in the system. I created a place first, then used it to add taxa.


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