GPS accuracy not captured when uploading photos taken with a camera with a built in GPS

I would think that 10m is a good usability cutoff for accuracy in the app. 10m is usually good enough for most scientific analyses and will generally be fine for folks looking at stuff on iNat for fun or tracking their own finds. If the app tried to get more, a lot devices/conditions might not get there. And it would take so long to get there, that people might get frustrated with the app and not want to use it! As you said, even a couple sec delay to locate when making a bunch of observations can add up.

I know that some other folks sync up times on their cameras and GPS units and then track a GPS trail and use that to fill in their coords after the fact for pretty decent accuracy (but not me, so I can’t really speak to that).

interesting. looking at the issue in Github for that, i see that there are a couple of images in that discussion noted as having GPSHPositioningError, but when i save those images to view the EXIF details, it doesn’t look to me like either of them have GPSHPositioningError, and the EXIF versions noted are pre-2.31.

assuming i’m just missing something, and GPSHPositioningError was recorded in the photo noted as being yours, where did the GPSHPositioningError value come from? was it captured by your camera, or were you adding it after the fact using some sort of EXIF editor?

that’s sort of different from automatically recording coordinates with accuracy values, i think. this comment might have been in response to something i said above about linking your camera to your smartphone. what i meant there was that some cameras have functionality to connect them to your phones via, say, bluetooth or wifi so that a camera without built-in location functionality still can get and record location data from the phone (and usually also so that the phone can get photos and even control the camera wireless).

You can see the background to that issue here


I posted one workflow possibility in another thread, so will link to it here:

This only works if you want to add a “standardized” GPS position error (e.g. 10 m) to the EXIF data of a collection of photos.