I can filter to unsuitable observations using the Find Unsuitable Observations in Project Curator Tools but then when I go to download, I get all observations. I tried adding ¬_matching_project_rules_for=fnai-tracked-species to the export query but that did not seem to work. Is there any way, or a good workaround, to do this? The reason for this is that I would like to identify and then remove truly unsuitable observations from our project but not ones that are just flagged as such.
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Can anyone give me a way to do this or maybe tell me that it’s just not possible?
as far as i can tell, the not_matching_project_rules_for
filter parameter does not seem to work in the context of the export page. if you want it to work there, you probably need to characterize this thread as a bug report or feature request.
in the meantime, it doesn’t look like your set of observations is very big. so you can always use the API to download your observations.
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Thank you as usual
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