How do i search for observations that both I and another user have IDed?

it’s easy to get observations that include IDs by either you or another user. for example, this will give get observations identified by either you or bob:,bob

it’s less easy to get observations that include IDs by both you and another user. however, this set set of observations should be a subset of the observations above. so you could use the either/or set above as a starting point and then parse through those observations, looking for only ones that have IDs from both of you. (this can be automated a bit by using the API, as long as you’re not dealing with a huge set of observations.)

alternatively, you can use the either/or set as a starting point and then:

one last alternative would be to look for identifications by you or another user and then find where identifications by both you and the other user exist for the same observation. (here again, you could use the API to help automate this process.)

here are two pages that will allow you to see identifications by user (specifically, only identifications made for other folks’ observations):

not sure exactly what you mean by this, but this is a good reference for this kind of thing: