How to insist on camera meta data ? or exclude observations that don't share camera meta data in a project?

No, the point is we talk about photos of coputer screen, people are not carrying them around outside in general, so as I mentioned, at least time is wrong 100% percent, as I check accounts and mostly there’re tons of similar screen photos of different things you can guess date is probably wrong too, and if there’re also observations with correct date uploaded and they show that user uploaded them not at the same day you can also make an assumption that situation is the same for all obs. You really can read it all here:
Again I only check if they’re the same on metadata and observation, there’re small chances date is incorrect in metadata and still the same as date of observation.
Sure EXIF is used both for populating needed info, but it has lots of other aspects in it that are shown in it about camera and gear, I wouldn’t call them too personal though, just what people may want to hide to keep their secrets of photography.