@onefishyboi. I am a birder in West Virginia. Merlin Bird ID is a great app to use for identifying birds but also learning their songs and calls. When I first started learning bird sounds I would focus on one species at a time. So when I would go birding I would identify a species and learn it’s call. Here are some websites and apps that I would recommend: websites- .https://birdsoftheworld.org.
Apps- Merlin Bird ID.
Adubon Bird Guide.
Bird Song Hero was a good tool for me.
@oksanaetal. Yes I’ve used that many times too. Works great!
Ebird also has a quiz on their website to test your ID skills.
Yeah, Merlin is quite good (not by any means perfect) at suggesting species it has been trained in. It is frustratingly bad at species it does not know. Which seems obvious when you put it like that. But it’s not at all obvious to newer users of the app, who assume that if there is a bird pack for the region, there must be sound ID, too.
Of course they do not advertise by first telling you what the app can’t do, but I do wonder if it would be a helpful if they somehow labeled the bird packs, or gave you a disclaimer, so you would know right away when sound ID isn’t trained (or isn’t trained on very much) in your region. I suppose the reason they don’t do this is that the bird packs aren’t connected to sound ID, but the trouble is that people don’t know that.
Have you seen the list of species that are covered?
They say they need over 100 recordings to train. That’s a lot, but I know there are folks on iNaturalist that have gotten organisms over the threshold of observations needed to train the computer vision. And how cool, to be a part of bringing this amazing tool to your region! (I got an email once reporting that some of my recordings were used to help train Merlin, but coverage is so good in North America, my handful of recordings must have contributed only very minor improvements.)
Thank you!!
You’re very welcome!