How to use iNaturalist's Search URLs - wiki part 1 of 2

I am looking for a way of finding observations without coordinates. Many of these have Location Notes, so it is basically lacking Longitude or Latitude that I am looking for.
I am not interested in those with Latitude = 0 or Longitude = 0 (see (which is very inappropriately named, as I am looking for NULLS but this project identifies zeros instead - nulls have no data (value unassigned, or empty, or missing), but 0 is a specific datum - zero - like any other value - and not a ā€œnullā€)).
At present for this user, filtering on verifiable=false gives me more or less what I want, but conflates these with any Data Quality criteria, not just missing coordinates.


This would be a great feature.

Iā€™m trying to search for observations with the word ā€œplantedā€ in the description, to look for miscategorized cultivars. However, it seems to pull up everything with the word ā€œplantā€ or "plants"in the description as well, which is quite a lot! Is there a way to search only for the exact word?

Hereā€™s the URL Iā€™m using.


This is slightly better as itā€™ll exclude captive=true and species = human:

(This comes from Ways to help out on iNat - wiki:

ā€œHelp fix casual grade observations by informing the observer that the date or location is missingā€

It wonā€™t find observations with a sound & no pictures, and will include all DQA except captive but most observations it find will because date or location is missing or inaccurate.


Hi friends! A couple of other things that would be useful to me:

  • Search by how long ago the observation was posted relative to the current date (as in ā€œmore than three weeks agoā€ instead of ā€œbefore 15 November 2019ā€)
  • Exclude observations for which the uploader has opted out of community identification

Is there a way to do these things? Can anyone tell me? I tried reading the API documentation linked above but I donā€™t see anything relevant to half the stuff thatā€™s in this thread ā€“ maybe Iā€™m looking in the wrong place or something.



Whatā€™s your use case here?


I can imagine building a repeatable search that one would run once a month / week to look for new observations to examine. In fact I already do this kind of thing to search for new observations within a certain subfamily where I have IDed most of the existing observations. It would be more convenient to search for ā€œobs_age_days<=30ā€, but for me this doesnā€™t rise to the level that I need an additional query term. Maybe @clockwood has a use case that makes manually editing the date more tedious.


Is there any way to search for observations of extinct taxa?


I suppose that could become further divided.

  1. Sadly, Taxa that have become extinct since the observation was made.
  2. Evidence of Taxa that was extinct prior to the obsevation.
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Or more likely, mistaken identifications.


I have a wizz-bang fancy search url bookmarked thatā€™s custom made to find unknowns that I can further categorize (incl by putting them in certain projects)

but I also want to give people a chance to ID their own unknowns (as discussed in the thread that was titled something like ā€œwhy do do many serious power users upload many unknowns at a timeā€)


does use case matter? honest question here, I canā€™t imagine that the answer of ā€œhow to use x to get y resultā€ would be different based on whether I just like x, or z wonā€™t work for me, or what. the way x and y relate to each other is not altered by my internal motivations. I am Autistic and baffled


It came across as a benign, curious question to me.

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I have a similar (sort of) use caseā€¦ here in NZ we have a lot of spider experts that used to do a lot of identifying in iNat, and while I was learning spiders, it occurred to me that it would be good if the experts held off a week or two to let us newbies have a go at IDingā€¦ and then they just work on the difficult ones. I was considering that their time and expertise was better spent on the difficult stuff, and it also gives us a chance to challenge ourselves before the ā€œanswersā€ appearā€¦

Of course, it depends on what background you come to iNat with, some will be viewing it as a data source, some will be looking at it as a learning opportunity (this is me!)ā€¦ others will see a social network to engage with, and some will consider it just a means to find out what something is (ok, this one is me too). We all probably have different blends of these factors.

So I guess what I am saying is, how X and Y relate to each other are altered by your internal motivations. If the motivation is to have these observations reach the ā€œcorrectā€ ID as soon as possible, then any action that delays that would be equally baffling. I find it baffling that so many users seem so highly motivated to have them go to RG as soon as possible and become invisible to the majority of identifiersā€¦ we miss so many interesting and wonderful observations because others beat us to the IDs. A long time ago I realised this and turned on the RG flag in my own saved Identify filter, so I get to review everything, not just the ā€œneeds IDā€ stuff. There will be many users that just donā€™t get why one would need to identify observations that are already RG, whereas I just donā€™t get why they wouldnā€™t!

I like your use case, Charlieā€¦ some people, however, will be baffled by it :)


Is there a way to search all observations on which I have checked the box that the community ID is the best that it can be? Thank you.


I am pretty sure these would new search capabilities. Maybe worth chiming in on


Thank you. I did as you suggested.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot export observations when searching for multiple user_ids

Hopefully I havenā€™t missed it, but: is there a switch thatā€™ll exclude ā€œBased on the evidence, can the Community Taxon still be confirmed or improved? >>> No, itā€™s as good as it can beā€?


Is there a way to check if youā€™ve made the first observation of a species or group in a county, state, etc? I know I was the first person to observe Black-palped Jumping Spider and devilā€™s walkingstick in Vermont, but Iā€™m kind of curious about other possible records.