How to use iNaturalist's Search URLs - wiki part 1 of 2

Have you looked at the section on exclusion searches? More details can also be found in the earlier sections, e.g. to understand more about without_taxon_id, you can look at the section on taxon_id.


I think that all filters, such as “&without_taxon_id=47122”, should be available in all pages (wherever filtering is relevant).

As long as it will not be the case, there will be requests to add filters.
(See for instance the new Life List discussion).

For convenience, add a Filters button in all pages (wherever filtering is relevant), always with all options.


Such an homogeneity across pages would also contribute to simplicity of use.
It would be incentive and we would have just to learn to use one filtering tool.


I’ve been working with the Wiki page, but for excluding myself (user) it says that you have to “(note: must use their number, not their name)”. I don’t see any number in the URL representing me, as I do with just about anything and everything else. Am I reading that wrong? I tried my user name “kcthetc1”, and nothing happened, the thing kept going round and round and no data loaded. ???

here’s yours. 2081962
found it by going to your profile from this page… not sure how else to get it to appear.


Unfortunately &exact_taxon_id=47903 does not seem to work :(
Is there another operator I could use?

exact_taxon_id only works in Identify, not Explore. If you’re trying to get only observations where the observation taxon is currently Family Cactaceae in Explore, search with Cactaceae as your taxon, and set the high and low ranks to Family.

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Many thanks for pointing out this useful feature of the Filters panel.

Is there a way to exclude observations that are introduced? There is a way to only include them.


&introduced=true will show only introduced observations (to the extent that correct Establishment Means have been set)

Omitting the parameter shows both. I’ll get this into the wiki, since the filter interfaces only offer the “true” option.

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Is there a way to search for observations that have previously had a particular identification that is no longer the active community identification? I might need this to reverse a rather large taxon merge I made a few days ago.



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Not exactly what you are searching for, but this is url which shows observations where yours is the maverick ID. (Everybody else: replace the user_id with their own if you would like to see your maverick IDs)

There is no way to do this directly through an observation search. The only way to find identifications of an inactive taxon is via an identification search, from which you can link to the affected observations one at a time. Use

and substitute the taxon_id number with the number of the inactive taxon. To see that number, you may need to go to the taxon change record that inactivated it, and hover over the link to the inactivated taxon.

Thanks. That will work fine if needed.
Just curious, the result page has a link “View with test=idcats”, how is this different from the normal “View”?

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Sorry, think I knew the answer once, but have forgotten. Hopefully someone else can chime in.

Some vestigial code from when they introduced the concepts of IDs being “Leading”, “Improving”, “Supporting”, or “Maverick”.

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Oh that’s super disappointing! The opposite of taxon_id= and ident_user_id= is without_taxon_id= and without_ident_user_id= but then the opposite of place_id= is NOT without_place_id=


There is a pretty even mix of both exclusion prefixes. They are all compiled here for handy reference:

I assume there is no direct way to search for observations where the ‘Based on the evidence, can the Community Taxon still be confirmed or improved’-box is ticked as YES?

But would there be a way around to search for observations that would normally be RG, if not for this box activated?
I am thinking of something like the amount or ratio of supporting IDs at species level

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Is there a way to search for multiple list_id. this the link I’m trying to achieve. It works for either of the lists, but not both.,4272936

The two lists are one of protected species, and another of invasive species but I want volunteers to have a view of the two combined for our project so the can prioritize both.

something odd going on with this filter?
If I search for land snails and slugs in Australia, and set it to introduced = false (, it only removes some introduced stuff, e.g. garden snail. That link fails to omit 13 different species that are labelled on iNat as introduced to Australia