How to use iNaturalist's Search URLs - wiki part 1 of 2

With regards to searching for lists, I found that any taxon filter needs to be removed (even taxon branches that fully include the list you search with).

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Just to be clear, are you saying that the &list_id= parameter is incompatible with the &taxon_id= and &taxon_ids= parameters?

Oh sorry, yeah thatā€™s what I meant.


Thanks to @tiwane, @jdmore, and all the contributors before me!

Iā€™m running searches for specific identifiers and I have all of the fields I want thus far except that Iā€™d like the data paired with the coordinates of the original observation.

I can think of a couple of tedious workarounds, but does anyone know how I can add this (as well another field to indicate if the location is obscured/private/public) to my original query so that I donā€™t need to make this a multi-step process that will require later data integration?

Thanks in advance!

Can you be more specific? Is this an export query or Explore/Identify? What do you mean ā€œpaired with the coordinates of the original observationā€?

Iā€™m exporting certain taxa observations to Excel based on who identified them.

For example:

My results are as I expect, but I donā€™t have any location data.

Sorry, Iā€™m confused. The example you gave doesnā€™t export to Excel, itā€™s just displayed on the page. If you choose to download via the export page, you should get a lot of options for the location data.

Sorry. To clarify, I am importing to Excel, using Get Data from web. It works! :)

I donā€™t see any option to Export once I have my selected observations (i.e., according to the url I provided previously). I only see an Export option when Iā€™m starting off from doing an Observations search using the UI.

Oooh, youā€™re using Microsoft Power Query?
I guess Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d choose that over the built-in export page?

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From the Explore page, click the ā€œFiltersā€ button, then click on ā€œDownloadā€ in the lower right corner of the filters popup.

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Thank, @jwidness! I only knew that I could download from the filters dialog box when from the Explore page as @twainwright mentioned (and that method only allows for limited filters). I had no idea that there was a separate built-in export page, so Iā€™ve been using power queries for any other filters Iā€™ve needed. Oy vey!

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I built a browser extension that includes a filter builder UI that supports adding nearly all of these URL parameters. Iā€™d love to get feedback from frequent users of these features and make sure everything you guys use is supported, add any additional clarifications youā€™d suggest, etc.


Just to clarify: the ā€œseparate build-in export pageā€ is exactly where the ā€œDownloadā€ link in the filters dialog goes, but with any filters youā€™ve already set pre-filled. I was just showing the easy way to get there without having to remember the page name.

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Is there a way to search for observations where I was mentioned?

Is there a code to exclude ā€œuser has opted out of community taxonā€?


no, please see details at

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I was trying to annotate observations of Didelphis virginiana in Ontario as dead or alive. ā€˜&without_term_id=17ā€™ works as expected for hiding any observations that already have an alive or dead annotation.

However, I also wanted to exclude observations that were annotated as tracks, because thereā€™s no way to know if the animal that left the track is alive or dead at the point that the track is observed. ā€˜&without_term_value_id=26ā€™ should be able to accomplish this. However, it doesnā€™t seem to work unless I also add ā€˜&term_id=22ā€™.

Adding that filter shows only observations that have an evidence of presence annotation other than ā€˜trackā€™, which does not include no evidence of presence annotation. Is it possible to filter out observations with a certain annotation value without restricting the output to only observations where that annotation field is filled?

Is it possible to exclude multiple taxa? It seems that ā€œ&without_taxon_ids=366723,401581ā€ excludes only the first taxon and not the second.

Trying to unobscure needlessly obscured plant taxa, and have been doing so by looking at the explore map, and clicking through the obscured observations. Wanting to exclude rightfully obscured taxa though, and just pick through the ones that are needlessly obscured (and of course Iā€™ll end up seeing user-obscured observations, but whatever).

use &without_taxon_id= (not ids)

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Is it possible to search for comments mentioning a specific word under observations of a specific taxa (preferably also on observations lacking an observation field)?
Specifically I am looking for observations of Trillium Grandiflorum that the comments mention mycoplasma that lack the observation field ā€œPhytoplasma infection?ā€