How to use iNaturalist's Search URLs - wiki part 1 of 2

@fluffyinca If I had wanted to look at observations that were at Order Passeriformes and I wanted look at observations that were identified only at that level I would put Passeriformes in the Species search and then under Filters I would select Rank as being equal at Order.

Hope this is what you are after and that it helps.
The search URL for that one is:

Thanks, but I think you slightly misunderstood my question. I want to search for observations with a particular identification, regardless of whether the Community Taxon was later updated. So something like ident_taxon_id=, except that seems to include descendant taxa as well.

Hmmm…yeah, that’s not the answer I gave…What if you just limited the identification at what ever rank you wish by the same way I mentioned?

I just did this wanting to look at only identifications of Osmia at genus level:

Is that what you want?

I don’t see a way to limit the identification itself. I can use the filters as you described, but that limits the observation taxon as normal. This URL is what I’m working with:
What I’m trying to find is any of my observations that have been identified as “State of matter Life”, but were then narrowed down to something else. The rank filter just gave me all of my observations identified as Life or to kingdom level.

I’ve got nuttin…

as far as i know, the only way for regular folks to achieve this is to use the API to effectively download all your identified observations that are not at Life, including the corresponding identifications, and then loop through the result set to find observations with identifications of Life that came before the latest identification.

why would anyone want to do this?


you can have the system return observations filtered by observer and observation taxon / rank range (as noted above), but you can’t filter for an exact identification taxon.

you can have the system return identifications filtered by exact identification taxon and an observation taxon rank range (ex., but you can’t filter by observer id.

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Is there a way to search for species in a project that were observed only once?

within in the project or within all of iNatuarlist?

in the Explore Page, you should be able to see the top 1000 most observed leaf taxa. so if the project has fewer than 1000 taxa, then you should be able to scroll to the bottom of the list to see taxa observed only once within the project.

if the project has more than 1000 taxa, you’d either have to partition your set into smaller subsets, or use code or some sort of tool that can retrieve records from the API beyond that 1000 limit and/or sort ascending instead of descending. the 3rd tool described here ( will allow you to do do the former, but it only answers your question in the context of within the project.

if you need to answer the question in the context of within all of iNaturalist, then you have to use your own code or another tool. here’s an example that might help: it includes both count of observations within the project and within all of iNaturalist.

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when I try any of these, I get the mole error

EDIT: working now, maybe some weird glitch

Is it possible to locate one’s identifications which, after curator action, are now for an ‘inactive taxon’ (e.g. whenever we opted out of automatic ‘taxon swaps’)?

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I just did
and it occurred to me that I did almost never selected annotations for adult/caterpillar.

Three questions:

  1. when I middle-click on the obs ID in that table it opens a new tab (as expected) on which I’m not logged in (not expected) despite being logged in generally. Rightclick+copy link and pasting that into the URL field of a fresh tab works. Is that a bug? (I’m working in the browser’s private mode, if that matters).
  2. Is it worth the time (takiing into account that detections will go to GBIF and other studies which might be interested whether a species breeds somewhere ot just overwinters there) to go thru my 600+ butterfly IDs and add the life stage annotations, or am I more useful IDing more things (i.e. from “unknown” to “fungi” or “lepidoptera” - I rarely know better) instead?
  3. Can I improve the URL I gave in order to only show me lines that don’t have the live stage?

For annotating, an easy method is to use the ID module – no need to use the API here.
The box “reviewed” will bring up observations you have ID’d.
Under “filters” → “more filters” you will find an option to filter observations by annotations (with/without life stage).
If you click on an observation, on the “annotations tab” you will see a little keyboard symbol at the bottom left, under the photo. This will pull up a list of two-letter keyboard shortcuts you can use to add different annotations (I find this more ergonomic than selecting the annotation from the drop-down menu each time).
You can move from one observation to the next using the right and left arrow keys.

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I only arrived at (Insecta is not that bad, so I can add the live stage for wasps too - iconic_taxa=Lepidoptera doesn’t work). But the filter window didn’t give me a live stage option (no real problem either, I forgot to select it on most of them).

What I didn’t expect was the count of 3405 (I have only about 6k IDs in total, and IDing most of the time feels like shoveling fungi out of the way ;-) ).

My instructions were for the “identify” module (top menu bar between “community” and “more”), not the “explore” page.

It may be possible to get the same set of observations by manipulating the url of the explore page, but I find the “identify” module the most efficient way to add annotations.

See this tutorial:

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That’s what I searched, thanks. And the first item that came up is a tree in my garden where I hadn’t entered the sex.

PS: And now I really want Endopterygota. Would it really disruptive (or otherwise hard) to just insert them between Pterygota and the few orders that belong therein (I hope this would not move things around)? Then one could walk thru all insect things, label the “worms” as larvae and the winged ones as adult (easy for laypeople like me who can’t tell old from young bugs), sort the worms into Symphyta, Noctuidae, Geometridae and rest-of-butterflies based on where the legs are, and be able to reasonably mark things that might be e.g. Bombus or bombyliids (either because the pic is blurry or because I don’t know the species) so specialists can find them.

PPS: can I exclude fungi by adding something to the URL?

Hi @tiwane !
Is there a way to search for and/or sort by:

  • number of active IDs
  • number of comments

These numbers already show up in the results of any search, e.g.:

&without_taxon_id= is what you are looking for.
ID for Fungi is 47170

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In the meantime I ended up with an URL that searches endopterygota (clade names taken from the german endopterygota wikipedia page) whose live stage I forgot to annotate. I’m shocjed to see how sloppy I have been.,47157,47822,47201,62164,49369,48763,83202&ident_user_id=ralfmuschall&reviewed=any