Ideas for a revamped Explore/Observations Search Page

In the FILTER:
. show ranks below species (or at a chosen higher taxon rank) in SPECIES tab
. options for order: add taxonomic, random, comments
. allow exclusion (not_in) of places, people
. allow in or not_in of atlas range map
. allow observation fields and observation field values (and annotations, and not_in)
The current display seems to refresh as one enters a field: which on slow lines can hold up finishing the filters, and must tax the server, especially when clearing the place field in order to type another entry. Rather let it only refresh when the GO or Refresh buttons are used.

In Identifiers tab: show all identifications, as well as IDs for others (the current value) like so:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . For othersV TotalV
1 jeremygilmore 41,697 . . . 54,862
2 alexdreyer . . . 35,215 . . . 36,545
3 rjpretor . . . . . . 34,440 . . 120,443

MAP subtab (Observations):
I dont mind the observations and menus on top of the map: one can easily make the map fullscreen.
But please make sure that the points always load: often the page hangs without adding the observation grid or points.
& Please keep the places_of_interest and redo_search_in_map options: they are invaluable.

LIST subtab (Observations):
can it be possible to see the “Descriptions” - either displayed or with a button to click to see them (as a popup on the List screen or a column).

allow other orders (currently descending frequency, but also taxonomic or alphabetical) - but dont change the grid display please