Ideas for a revamped Explore/Observations Search Page

When searching for an ID for this observation:

The display of possible candidates like this does not help:


  • Explore page: for flowering plants (Angiospermae) add radio buttons to display “First” or “Flower” or “Fruit” or “Leaf” or “Overview” photos for the species in the results.
  • “First” is the default selection and corresponds to the current behavior: display the 1st photo in the Taxon page (“Curation” / “Edit photos”).
  • API: add support for the same options, when requesting for species photos.
  • Taxon page (“Curation” / “Edit photos”): add radio buttons “None” or “Flower” or “Fruit” or “Leaf” or “Overview” so that photos can be flagged accordingly.
  • “None” is the default selection and means that the photo is not flagged as containing any particular content.