Explore showing duplicate observations

Platform: Website

Browser: Chrome

URLs of any relevant observations or pages: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?order_by=observed_on&place_id=any&taxon_id=9599&user_id=fluffyinca&verifiable=any

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Capture (6)

Description of problem:

Step 1: Open an Explore page for Your Observations. Sort by “Date Added” and “Descending”.

Step 2: Upload an observation while leaving the Explore page open.

Step 3: Refresh Explore page. New observation does not appear to be there.

Step 4: Without changing the other filters, search for the genus you identified the new observation as. Result: see screenshot above. The new observation is shown first and fourth.

I don’t expect this to be replicable, since it returned to normal when I refreshed the page.

hi @fluffyinca - this one is a long-known issue and there’s a bug report here for it, so I’ll close this topic: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/observations-displayed-multiple-times-when-scrolling-in-grid-view/504

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