New Friday, New Card!
add annotations | find out the top identifer of your own observations, and see if you can ID any of theirs* | help out the Hong Kong Inter-School City Nature Challenge 2021 (Nov 1 through 14) | review your past IDs that are now maverick* | ID things at least a year old |
scope out a possible vacation destination | ID some unknowns | try some audio observations | use one of the Frequently Used Resonces | exceed your usual number of IDs per day |
ID things observed during any November | ID staff member observations | FREE | try something new from the search URL tutorial | mark something captive |
refine something currently at kingdom | add an observation to a project | tag a friend for help | dive into life | correct a computer vision mistake |
consult a source outside of iNaturalist | Find out your most observed species and do some IDs for that species* | back someone up: use ident_user=[username] in your URL | Go auto-pilot on a common and easy species | ID observations by new users |
*In these links you have to edit the URL to insert your own username instead of USERNAME. (Side note, in this exercise I found out that if you don’t specify a username in the mavericks URL, it returns all mavericks, which is pretty cool.)