If I tag an IDer that I am deleting a duplicate obs, and include a link to the other obs, will they see the link?

I have duplicate observations of a crab, uploaded several years apart: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10414404 & https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/197227921. Both observations have received IDs, though not to the same level (one to Infraorder Brachyura and one to Superfamily Xanthoidea). I want to delete one of them, maybe the later upload, which is ID’ed to to Brachyura, but I want to let the IDer of that obs know so she can add / move her ID the to non-deleted one if she cares to. If I tag her in the one to be deleted and include a link to the one I’m keeping, will she still receive the notification and link even though I’ve deleted the observation it was in?

Maybe tag her in the one you plan to keep, too, just to be sure?


No, she won’t receive the link if you commented on an obs that is now deleted.


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