Importing ebird to inaturalist

I was wondering if there’s a way to get all my ebird data onto inaturalist. From what I read it looks like you have to do it one checklist at a time. Does anyone know if there’s an easy way to do this?

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Thank you! Ya I just want my ebird lifelist with the inaturalist lifelist.

seems like it would be easier just to merge two lists than to try to translate a bunch of eBird checklists into iNat observations. that said, you could try looking at i’ve never used this myself, but i think it could handle your use case (though i’m not sure how easy the process would be).


I think this is the fixed link:

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What I have found is that it is possible to use my eBird checklists as a reference. I can figure out where I was when I took a photo of that bird, and then I can create an observation at that location with that photo. (It’s especially helpful if I have a track for that checklist. The area of uncertainty might be pretty large, because I don’t know where on that track I saw that bird, but it gets it on my life list.)

I don’t think there’s much point in trying to transfer whole checklists. Observations here are one organism at a time, so you’d have to make 40 observations to transfer a checklist with 40 species, and the ones without photos or audio evidence will only ever be casual. (Casual observations will count for your life list, but that’s about all they are good for.)

There is not an easy way to do it afaik, but the least cumbersome way I’ve found is using iNat’s batch function for adding multiple observations at one time: You can add all observations for one date provided you use a broad enough location. They’ll be casual observations unless you add photos.

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