Impossible to search old pages due to limit of 10000

Platform Website

Browser Firefox (shouldn’t matter)

URLs: e.g. (that is after the steps described below)

Description of problem Entering the mentioned URL immediately reproduces the error

Starting from the beginning:

Step 1: ID Modul

Step 2: Filter, cklick on the last icon (the dashed leaf)

Step 3: click “Suche aktualisieren” (I don’t know what the button says in english)

I’m now on page 1 of unknowns, the bottom offers me “1 2 3 4 5 … 17765”. When I click 17765, I get a popup that says
Seitennummer multipliziert mit der Anzahl an Ergebnissen pro Seite darf nicht mehr als 10.000 überschreiten. Versuche Filter anzuwenden, um die Anzahl der Ergebnisse zu reduzieren oder markiere Beobachtungen als überprüft und verwende die Schaltfläche “Mehr ansehen” anstelle von Seitenzahlen

(translated short version: pagenumber times item per page mus not exceed 10000). I.e. it is absolutely impossible to see pages beyond 10000 if I understand the message correctly.

PS: I just got an answer elsewhere ( which solves my problem, but I think the error message might need rewording.

In English, it says: " Too Many Results - Page number times the number of results per page cannot exceed 10,000. Try applying filters to reduce the number of results, or mark observations as reviewed and use the “View More” button instead of pagination"

It refers to number of observations, so I get it already past 333 pages (30 obs per page). There are a number of tricks to get older observations using filters, e.g. I sometime choose a time frame more than 5 years ago, or limit to one month to try to get fewer than 333 pages of results so I can work my way backwards through them.

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I don´t really understand what you think is a bug there?
The wording seems fine to me (german as well)…

It says: In the normal search query you cannot go beyond a certain page number (page number multiplied by results per page must not be above 10.000) …ok, no problem there or is there?

You can still reach those old observations by using certain filters like reversing date, using certain taxonomic levels or within a time frame or region and so on…

I am not sure what you are asking or saying here actually

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