I realised in helping my mum use iNaturalist for the first time that one of the main issues for her was not seeing or understanding the use of “withdraw” when she made an initial ID in a different taxonomic group to that which the community suggested. She couldn’t see a way to do this …and didn’t appear to understand the need… or indeed how to navigate to the menu to resolve. I ended up suggesting she just blind agree to resolve, which isn’t ideal.
So, my vote is simply for
But I think there should be a second button to prevent users using confirm as a workaround when they need to withdraw but don’t know how or understand why. This could be
for example.
In use cases without taxonomic disagreement, it could also act as a sort of placebo for those who just want to click something to acknowledge the identifiers suggestion or give thanks - preventing another one of the ways the Agree button is currently being misused. This could potentially be a source of confusion however, without a connected visual impact, so maybe it should also exchange their existing ID for the community suggestion, but without impacting the “Needs ID” / RG. This “soft ID” could be in a different colour, or higher transparency to visually indicate the lack of weight it carries. Alternatively it could simply be noted somehow, more minimally, that the ID was “accepted by OP with thanks!”
Note - this is similar to @tallastro’s suggestion for MY ID … but I think, important to delineate clearly between acceptance and confirmation.