Improve wording of IDs created by taxon changes

When observation IDs are updated due to a taxon name change, the new IDs automatically added by the system currently read, for example, “jdmore suggested an ID,” even though the identifier usually had no hand in suggesting that particular ID. Example:

Whether or not the identifier agrees with the change, this wording is misleading, and may be off-putting to the identifier, even though it is followed by “This ID was added due to a taxon swap.” (It is even more misleading for merges and splits.)

Instead of “jdmore suggested an ID,” it would be more accurate to say something like “iNaturalist updated jdmore’s suggested ID.” (The additional “This ID was added due to a taxon swap” with link to the taxon change should be kept as-is.)

In addition, the original IDs are changed to “ID Withdrawn,” also implying an action by the identifier that they did not actually initiate. It would be more accurate to say “ID Updated by iNaturalist.” (The history of previous IDs should definitely be retained as it currently works.)

This has bugged me occasionally also. Not a big deal, but @jdmore’s suggestions seem straightforward to implement and would definitely be an improvement.

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These suggested wording changes seem sensible. There’s a thread here that indicates the confusion that can be caused:


I voted yes for this but would really like to take it further.

Changing input from a user or adding content that appears to originate from a user by the system is not cool. Rejecting input is fine. I propose changing the actions to system or curator actions if that’s who makes the changes.

In a recent taxon split of box turtles, I was credited with withdrawing my species ID and adding a genus level ID. I had no hand in either action. The system or curator should be credited with these actions. The withdrawn ID could be marked with “ID Withdrawn by curator, taxonomy edit”. The curator can add genus level IDs if desired. Leave the other users out of it.

The taxon split notices on the Dashboard link to a Details page where it appears a user can accept the curators plan and update their IDs. That would be a case where the user can be credited with any changes they accept. I didn’t click the Update button in the box turtle split.

And finally, I deleted the genus IDs and that reinstated my species level ID. I think the ID is taxonomically correct but mostly I’m leaving it as is on workflow principles.


Just in case you’re not aware, you might want to assess this account setting:

Taxonomy Settings

:white_check_mark: Automatically update my content for taxon changes
When taxa are merged or renamed on iNaturalist, your observations, listed taxa, identifications, etc. will be automatically updated to the new taxa if the change is unambiguous. If you opt out or the change is ambiguous (e.g. a split), you will receive an update about the change linking to a tool you can use to manually update your content if you choose.

Heh, yep, that will help. I wonder how long that setting has existed? :laughing:

Still would like to see a change.

Made a github issue here:


This reminds me of something that was discussed two years ago:
Are concurring ID’s posted to a Research Grade observation useful? - General - iNaturalist Community Forum
I am glad that this is being addressed.