There are some who say: why provide the sixth, tenth, thirty-fifth confirming identification on an observation; why waste your time? Others provide the standard apologies for the practice: we are learning, we are correcting mistakes; we’re there, so we might as well. I agree with the apologists, but my defense also rests on different grounds.
I say - may we not bask in the glorious luxury of time-wasting? May we not spend our hours marveling at observations and duly marking our presence while running on the treadmill, lying in bed, or sitting on the toilet? May we not find simple joy in casting our vote, no matter how rudimentary or common? Others watch television, play video games, or you know, whittle or something. Is our lower-effort identification vice really so opprobrious?
So change your notification settings if you must; we will not judge. Just keep the sweet, sweet observations coming, as we will need them after working through the last decade of observations. Our mental illness and vain glory cost you so little!
And are our late-arriving identifications on this democratic, egalitarian platform really less valuable than those preceding? Centuries from now, Earth destroyed, iNaturalist will live on, a memory of times past. And from a cave deep within the recesses of the Moon, a young child will cast the thousandth vote on an observation.
Across the generations, I will stand in solidarity: that was a Blue Jay.
(Note: I’m not really calling anybody out; I absolutely respect a lot of the folks in the “you’re wasting your time” camp! Happy iNatting, everybody!)