In the future is iNaturalist will be setting up additional ways to load in data? On our research site on the Bay of Fundy, we are looking to use additional remote sensing and data collection of species. If iNaturalist doesn't have it, recommendations?

ArcGIS QuickCapture?? , esri canada imagery and remote sensing

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Are you looking for faster ways to load observations? Maybe if you tell us how iNaturalist doesn’t quite work for you now, we can help you find an answer. (But probably not answers from me, I’m afraid.)


If you mean an automatic device that detects organisms and sends autonomously observations to iNat, that would be against the idea to document a person’s individual encounter with an organism.


iNat has always allowed observations from trail cams/camera traps, as well as audio observations from microphones monitoring nocturnal bird migration. I frankly don’t see any issue. The observations still get uploaded manually to add IDs. Data is data, the more the better!


The co-reason for iNat is compromised by the autonomous uploading of any data. We are not a group of citizen automatons collecting data. We are humans recording our interactions with nature.


That sounds like a place for OBIS or GBIF data upload by IPT. Not for iNaturalist. Do you know of your regional nodes contacts? I can help.


Yes, but the photos should not be added to iNat in an automated way. They need to be curated by a human and posted to iNat. See

Machine generated observations would include observations posted from automated systems such as camera traps posted with no human moderation/oversight in the process.


Consider using Wildlife Insights if you are working with camera trap data. The platform has greatly improved and its data management and computer vision capabilities are worth the $ for an organization imho.


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